Ultimate Support TS88B Aluminum Tripod Stand For Speaker
The Ultimate Support TS88B is an Aluminum Tripod Stand For Speaker from Ultimate Support are extraordinarily strong yet lightweight due to its over-sized heavy wall aluminum tubing. They’re everything you’d expect from an Ultimate Support speaker stand – they’re strong, sturdy, lightweight, and 100% field serviceable. You can choose between a black or silver finish with the TS-80B and TS-80S or the TS-88B, which has a black finish and is about two and a half feet taller than the TS-80B and TS-80S. The Original Series tripod speaker stands from Ultimate Support are the industry standards that you’ve seen on stages for decades.
Product Specifications:
Part Name: TS-88B
Part Number: 13906
Color: Black
Height: 5’2″ – 9’2″ (1575 mm – 2794 mm)
Weight: 9.8 lbs. (4.5 kg)
Base Diameter: 62″ (1575 mm)
Telescoping Tube Diameter: 1.5″ (38 mm)
Adapter Diameter: 1.375″ (35 mm)
Load Capacity: 150 lbs. (68.2 kg)
Folded: 57.5″ x 5.5″ (1461 mm x 140 mm)